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(i) Field: Marine Fisheries

1 position
Assistant Lecturer
(ii) Field: Mariculture breeding
1 position
Assistant Lecturer
(iii) Field: Chemical Oceanography
1 position
Tutorial Assistant
(iv) Field: Marine Engineering
1 position
Tutorial Assistant
(v) Field: Marine Geology
1 position
Tutorial Assistant

(b)            Qualifications and Experience:

Applicants for:

Professor /Associate Professor must have a PhD, six points from publications since last promotion and a minimum of three years since last promotion.

Senior Lecturer must possess a PhD, four points from publications and a minimum of three years since last promotion.

Lecturer must possess PhD.

Assistant Lecturer must possess a minimum GPA of 4.0 or a B+ average at Master’s degree level and an undergraduate degree with an overall GPA of 3.8 or higher. They must be potentially good academically.

Tutorial Assistant must possess a Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA of 3.8.

(c)       Main Duties For; Tutorial Assistants:

(i)             Under-studies senior members of academic staff by attending their lectures, seminars, tutorials and practicals;

(ii)           Carries out seminars, tutorials and practicals;

(iii)        Assists in research, consultancy and public service;

(iv)         Performs any other relevant duties assigned by one’s superior; and

(v)            Undergoes postgraduate training for the master’s degree.

Assistant Lecturers:

(i)           Carries out lectures, seminars, tutorials and practicals for undergraduate programmes;

(ii)         Sets, invigilates and marks undergraduate examinations;

(iii)       Assists senior staff in lectures, seminars, tutorials, and practicals for postgraduate programmes;

(iv)       Supervises projects and practical training for undergraduate


(v)         Conducts research and publishes results;

(vi)       Carries out consultancy and public service;

(vii)     Undergoes postgraduate training to PhD level;

(viii)   Participates in relevant workshops and conferences; and

(ix)       Performs any other relevant duties assigned by one’s superior.


(i)           Carries out lectures, seminars, tutorials and practicals for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes;

(ii)         Sets, invigilates and marks undergraduate and postgraduate examinations;

(iii)       Guides junior staff in lecturing and conducting seminars, tutorials;

(iv)       Supervises field work of both undergraduate and postgraduate students;

(v)         Conducts research and publishes results;

(vi)       Carries out consultancy and public service;

(vii)     Writes teaching materials, e.g., manuals;

(viii)   Participates in the development of programmes and projects;

(ix)       Organizes and participates in relevant workshops and conferences; and

(x)         Performs any other relevant duties assigned by one’s superior.

Senior Lecturer:

As for Lecturers above with added responsibilities.

Associate Professor:

(i)           Carries out lectures, seminars, tutorials and practicals for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes;

(ii)         Guides junior staff in lecturing and conducting seminars, tutorials;

(iii)       Supervises undergraduate and postgraduate students;

(iv)       Conducts research and publishes results;

(v)         Carries out consultancy and public service;

(vi)       Writes teaching materials e.g. manuals;

(vii)     Participates in the development of new programmes and projects;

(viii)   Organizes and participates in relevant workshops and conferences;
(ix)  Participates in University administration and leadership;

(x)         Participates in development of research and resource centres; and

(xi)  Performs any other relevant duties assigned by one’s superior.


As for Associate Professor above but will be required to prepare and present Inaugural Lectures.

Permanent and Pensionable.

3.                 REMUNERATION

Attractive package will be offered to the right candidate commensurate with his/her qualifications and experience.

4.                 MODE OF APPLICATION

Interested candidates should apply in confidence to the undersigned enclosing:-
(i)                Detailed CV.

(ii)             Photocopy of relevant certificates and transcripts.
(iii)           Names and Addresses of two referees.
(iv)            Mode of communication, e.g., Telephone, fax, email, etc.

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic),

University of Dar es Salaam,
P.O. Box 35091,


(i)                Applicants currently employed in the Public Service should channel their application letters through their respective employers.

(ii)             Candidates should indicate Departments/Disciplines for which they apply.

(iii)           Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview.

5.                 DEADLINE

Two weeks from the date of first appearance of this advertisement. 31st July, 2015